
The first time...

Ok...I decided today was the day. After much pressure from Joel and others I am going to finally write an official blog entry. My hesitance to write down my thoughts and ideas comes from the fear that whatever I write will become so permanent. If you just say something and then later someone says to you, "I can't believe you said that." You can always just deny it and say, "I never said that." But when you write it down there will always be proof somewhere out there that you did indeed say that....You know what I mean?
On to another topic...Gilbertson. He would like you to know that he recently got an e-mail account, and that if you should get an e-mail from carrotsrgood, you should open it. He's very excited about it. He wants to start a chain e-mail where everybody sends vegetables to each other, and if everyone does what they are supposed to, they'll end up with a year's supply of veggies.
I know Joel mentioned in an earlier entry that he was worried that this could blog could just become a forum for us to harass each other about wedding details, but I'm more concerned that this blog could get me fired. As I sit here trying to think of something funny or interesting to talk about, I always think of stories about my students. They're hilarious...but maybe this is not the place to share these stories. One story that keeps running through my head is about a student who just decided to blurt out the word "wiener" the other day in class. The student didn't scream or shout it, just matter of factly said the word "wiener" a couple of times. I really kind of wanted to laugh, but instead I had to ask him to leave the room. Sometimes it's tricky being a teacher.


Is that so wrong?

Is it strange to want to talk to your Guinea Pig on the phone? I mean, people talk at their infant children when they go away on business or whatever it is business-type people do... & those are infants. Gilbertson is at least a twenty-something (look @ that punky hair) adolescent, who loves long walks on the lawn, the occasional organic carrot & a nice warm bath on occasion - is that so wrong...

No, but seriously... when Brooke & i talk on the phone, frequently i'll ask to speak to Gilbertson (or she'll just put him on) and i wonder if that's strange... If it is... i'm ok with that, just need to know if i'm in sort of the certifiable camp, or just the 'that's a bit odd' group (which i can live with... as long as nobody turns me in)...

On a side-note... Brooke has mentioned that she is a bit hesitant in posting to this blog... as "she doesn't know what to say"... so, by way of encouragement, i'm posting some non-sensical conversation & hope to post some entries from both of us, when we're on the phone or something... but do encourage her to post, either here, or when you talk to her... as, well, as i already have one crappy blog & surely don't need to be the only one coming up with material for this one...


A musing

I'm curious to see what this blog will be like... I guess, in an ideal blog-world it will be comprised of random insights of loving long distance, putting together a wedding (for the first few months at least) and daily happenings...
Or, perhaps it will serve as brooke & my passive-aggressive gripe box, where we alternately post about things we did, perceived inflections on the phone that were particularly aggrivating, basically an e-comment box on our relationship... Maybe that would be more entertaining, but i think we'll try to avoid that (at least for as long as possible)...

So, i'll try and make a sort of start, then. Shane & Andy came down to Chicago last night & we all went to the Project Object show at Martyr's in (?)Lakeview(?) (I'm bad with Chicago neighborhoods that aren't "Hyde Park" or "Downtown"). Really fun show, they play Frank Zappa music & while they didn't play "Bobby Brown Goes Down" I did get to hear a lot of Zappa music i knew & just as much i wish i knew...
Today (see how this is like a blog), i failed to go to the Twins/White Sox game - i was even planning to go when i got up, but just couldn't kick myself into gear to get there... ah well, the Twins have dropped two in a row to the Sox & haven't looked good this season... Maybe i'll start the 'there's always next year' mantra already...


We're On!

*Note: This is from a previous post at another, crappier blog* (originally published 6 April 2006, 11:30pm)
I did not puke today.
Brooke and i have decided to take a step (albeit a baby step) into the oughts. We're starting a blog, from a bar (where else). We come to you this evening from Suds in Beloit, Wisconsin. We're very excited to be trying this new format of life transmission - we'll see how it goes (Brigette has no comment, except to say "i don't like blogs").

I know that so often folks try start their blogs with grand hopes and fizzle, flood-like into a vast verbal vomiting that turns out to be of no interest to anybody (not talking about anybody in particular here, mind you) except for the writer & those with cushy office jobs.

And yes, this is likely what we, too, will fall into, but for now, let me sign off and not even try to say anything of substance today... thus not even aspiring to anything (so we can't fail).