

Joel & Brooke are watching some TV with me on the couch. It's very thunder-stormy outside. Smelling them when they came in, I can tell they were eating sushi this evening. Probably at that new "blue" place I've heard about. Joel's leaving tomorrow morning, back to Chicago. That's too bad, but we'll see him again sorta soon. It was nice having him around for the weekend.

I enjoy a good stormy evening in Nebraska, but I can never see the storm from our house. My cage offers a poor perspective on the windows, but even when i'm on the couch, there is too much overhang & houses too close to get a good look. A pity, really, as I love a good storm.

I hope you all enjoy some good spring storms. Sometimes I think it'd be nice to hang out outside, munch on the grass and watch the stars come out, but then I remember that there are birds out there. But it would be fun to go out and enjoy some rain-smelling air & cool grass. This weekend featured a lot of good lawn-eating opportunities.

I could go for a carrot. Or some celery. Anybody got some vegetables?