
the sky is falling after all...

I went to see Mission Impossible: III tonight (somehow brooke & i didn't get a chance to see it when i was in Omaha) and it really puts things in perspective, you know. Sure, my problems seem rough - horse shows, zombies, smelling like soup - but at least Philip Seymour Hoffman isn't threatening to shoot my fiance. Some people have real troubles in this world, people like Tom Cruise.

I wore flip-flops today, which usually makes me feel better (citing Gilk's concept of 'flip-flop wearing feels like permanent vacation), but when i got back from the movie, it was raining & now my heels are really dirty... Plus i lost my prime parking space.

Yes, well... now i'm all fretty & must wait till morning to have a peanut butter sandwich to make myself feel better. Cheerio.


At 11:43 AM, Mai 12, 2006, Blogger seeger said...

the p.s. question is an interesting one. I've been trying to noodle this out myself. First off, there is the practical question of 'which blog needs it,' but generally i try to determine which it fits into better...

Hand of Dog is a whimsical look at the daily meanderings of life.

Roman Numeral J is about the zombie necropalypse and i post accordingly.

At 12:46 PM, Mai 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonym said...

I enjoy 1 tablespoon.

At 1:20 PM, Mai 15, 2006, Blogger seeger said...

ah, but which one?


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