
Division of Intellectual Labels

or, Crisis on Infinite Blogs

I have been plagued by doubt because of an innocent comment by Miron, and have been noodling a mission statement of sorts for posting my entries on my various blogs. Because i dove headfirst into the blogosphere & started two blogs simultaneously, my solution has been, basically, to post in whichever blog felt a bit lacking in recent entries. Unless i was writing specifically about zombies, or specifically about me & Brooke, i would just try to keep both fairly recent so as not to lose readership. Plus, Hand of Dog is maintained by Brooke, Gilbertson & myself, so i figured, once we got into the swing of things, this blog would be the more productive ones, but somebody (i won't name names here) seems a bit trepidatious to step fully into the blogging pool. I try to encourage her, or it, by writing moderate to sub-par blogs, in hopes that they will be convinced to actually make this blog interesting by submitting... but thus far, with limited success.

I think the distinction between the blogs will clear up a bit once summer is here and i don't spend most of my waking hours silent & alone in my room thinking about zombies. A clear distinction is there, i can feel it, because it's not quite like i said before, that i just randomly choose which blog to post on based on when the last post was, because, the two blogs have slightly different flavors (Roman Numeral J tastes more like a gimlet), not to mention our ill-fated liveJournal blog, which is only kept up because otherwise the majority of my internet friends would completely ignore me. (On this last blog i mostly post things like the current contents of my fridge).

I aspire to a slightly less structured version of J.D.'s blog, where entries that fall under various categories can appear in multiple blog categories, but alas, i fear my new friend Blogger will not allow it without too much effort every time i want to doubly classify an entry. So, for now, all i can do is muddle along, trying to slowly clear up what i'm saying & where i'm saying it as i go along.

Now... where do i put this?


At 8:33 PM, Mai 15, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Pun on our class = funny.

Use of comic book reference = even better.

I still prefer it when you post on Zombie blog because that's where my link goes. Also I am very lazy.

At 8:52 PM, Mai 15, 2006, Blogger seeger said...

follow the yellow link road...

At 8:13 AM, Mai 16, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh yeah, I meant to say...the yellow links are hard to read.

At 10:54 AM, Mai 16, 2006, Blogger seeger said...

...but comedy is the revolution?

At 9:56 PM, Mai 18, 2006, Blogger Dan said...

You know, you could just put the same post on both blogs via a quick cut and paste. X-posting is the new X-dressing.

At 9:44 AM, Mai 19, 2006, Blogger seeger said...

yes yes, dan. Curse you and your practical advice.


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